Course Details: Entrepreneur Startups innovation

What you will learn

  • Determine strategies and tools that entrepreneurs and startups use to develop and launch innovations.
  • Identify concepts of business model, design unique value propositions and distinguish principles of innovation.
  • Distinguish elements of a business model and value technology as a strategy to identify with the key audience.
  • Explain the importance of innovation that takes place in organizations and identify how innovation is linked to the development strategies of organizations.
  • Apply strategies, tools, models to orchestrate family business, identify and apply the characteristics that will allow you to be a good business leader.
  • Distinguish the models of entrepreneurship and innovation for implementing trends in entrepreneurship in your business today.

Course Overview

Innovation and entrepreneurship are essential ingredients in building a successful commercial venture. The ways in which these two concepts fuel enterprise are something our faculty never stop exploring.

It’s clear that innovation and entrepreneurship are closely linked; sometimes the terms are even used interchangeably. But, as two distinct yet interrelated concepts, it can be tricky to pinpoint the exact relationship between them.

This program is focused on innovation and entrepreneurship for startups, corporations and family businesses. Moreover, gives sources of innovation and best practices that can be applied on marketing strategies helping to open up to new markets.


Progress at your own speed

6 - 8 hours per week


Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Detail of the session

Competencies and Core Competence
Detail of the session

Elements of Innovation
Detail of the session

Innovation Risk
Detail of the session

Innovation Processes
Detail of the session

Approaches to Business Model Innovation
Detail of the session

Analyzing markets
Detail of the session

Business Models
Detail of the session

Methodologies to develop Business Model
Detail of the session

Admission Process

Any one, who want to learn about Solar Technology, want to install solar power system can take this course to know about solar system.

Stephane Smith

Phasellus enim magna, varius et commodo ut, ultricies vitae velit. Ut nulla tellus, eleifend euismod pellentesque vel, sagittis vel justo. In libero urna, venenatis sit amet ornare non, suscipit nec risus.
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  • Category Business Course
  • Lectures 8 Nos
  • Doubts Clear (Q&A) No
  • Duration 4 week
  • Assessments No
  • Views 5637
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