Course Details: Fundamentals of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure


Learn more about EV charging at Charging section, Different types of EV charger connectors, single-phase or three-phase socket, SAE J1773, CHAdeMO standard - DC fast charging, SAE J1772 Combo .

National & International EV Standard Codes - IEC applicable for EVSE

What you'll learn?

  • Understand working principle of EV Charger
  • Learn about different types of EV charger and connectors
  • Understand single-phase or three-phase and DC first charger 

Who should attend: 

This course is intended for:
  • Engineers
  • Project Managers
  • Commercial staff looking to build on their technical understanding

This course course will cover the following topics:

Different types of EV charger
Detail of the session

15 Minutes
Different types of EV charger connectors - SAE J1773 CHAdeMO,
Detail of the session

15 Minutes
Single-phase, three-phase and DC fast charging
Detail of the session

15 Minutes
EV Home Charger
Detail of the session

15 Minutes
Charger for Community Charging Station
Detail of the session

15 Minutes
Charger for Public Charging Station
Detail of the session

15 Minutes
Govt. policy for EV Charging Station Development
Detail of the session

15 Minutes

Admission Process

Any one, who want to learn about Solar Technology, want to install solar power system can take this course to know about solar system.

Stephane Smith

Phasellus enim magna, varius et commodo ut, ultricies vitae velit. Ut nulla tellus, eleifend euismod pellentesque vel, sagittis vel justo. In libero urna, venenatis sit amet ornare non, suscipit nec risus.
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  • Category career Course
  • Lectures 8 Nos
  • Doubts Clear (Q&A) Yes
  • Duration 4 week
  • Assessments Yes
  • Views 4161
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